5 Common Issues Uncovered During Roof Installation

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Would You Be a Roofer? Some people work as roofers for a summer or two. Others become lifelong devotees to the profession. Those who commit to roofing as a long-time profession really take the time to learn the details. Not only do they learn how to put roofs in place, but they also learn quite a lot about various roofing materials. This equips them to make good recommendations to homeowners who are looking for the right roof. We will also make some recommendations and tell you a bit more about roofers on this blog. While we are not roofers ourselves, we know a lot about the profession and are always happy to share.




Your roofer will give the best quote possible before they begin work on your roof, but sometimes problems aren't uncovered until the old shingles come off. The following are a few repairs that may not be discovered until after the new roof installation begins.

1. Decking Rot

Your roofer will inspect the underside of the decking by going into the attic prior to installation, but this may not show the whole story. Often, water damage and rot on the decking can't be properly assessed until the old shingles are off and the decking is fully exposed. If rotted decking boards are found, then they will need to be replaced along with the shingles. 

2. Vent Damage

Rooftop vents are designed to encourage air circulation through the attic in order to prevent moisture and heat buildup. Vents can become damaged in a variety of ways. There can be leaks around their bases, which are only fully revealed once the shingles are off. The vents themselves can also suffer damage, such as missing vent caps or obstructions. Repair or replacement may be necessary.

3. Safety Issues

Roofing safety regulations are constantly evolving. Once the roof is off, it may be revealed that the decking isn't of the proper thickness per current safety codes, or there could be missing safety options, such as hurricane strapping or drip edge liners. Most safety issues that are only uncovered after the old roof is off tend to be minor. The safety updates can usually be added to the roof with minimal cost and installation time increases. 

4. Eave Problems

Older roofs tend to have wooden eaves, which are more prone to damage from moisture and pests. Although your roofer can check for exterior damage when putting together a quote, the topside and interior of the eaves can't be viewed until the old roof is removed. Insect damage and moisture rot are the main issues, but missing vent screens can also be a concern. Eave replacement or repair may be necessary, depending on the extent of the damage. 

5. Penetration Leaks

Rooftop penetrations refer to anything installed through the roof, from the chimney and plumbing vent pipes to rooftop apparatuses like satellite dishes. Once the shingles are off, leaks may be found around these penetrations; these leaks may have damaged decking and nearby support structures. Repairs must be made to the damaged areas, and additional flashing or boots may be needed on the new roof to prevent future leaks.

Contact a roof installation company, such as Simtech Roofing, in your area if you have more questions or concerns.

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