Flat Roofing Myths Businesses Should Ignore

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Would You Be a Roofer? Some people work as roofers for a summer or two. Others become lifelong devotees to the profession. Those who commit to roofing as a long-time profession really take the time to learn the details. Not only do they learn how to put roofs in place, but they also learn quite a lot about various roofing materials. This equips them to make good recommendations to homeowners who are looking for the right roof. We will also make some recommendations and tell you a bit more about roofers on this blog. While we are not roofers ourselves, we know a lot about the profession and are always happy to share.




There are many decisions that you will have to make regarding the upkeep of your business's building. However, you may not be fully aware of the options that are available to you when it concerns the roof that covers the structure. In particular, there can be substantial amounts of misinformation about flat roofing systems, which can make it harder for individuals to effectively navigate this process.

Myth: It Is Not Possible To Protect A Flat Roof From Pooling Water

One reason a business may not choose to opt for a flat roof is due to the assumption that it is not possible to protect it against large amounts of water accumulating. In reality, there are many upgrades that can be made to reduce the ability of water to be able to gather on the surface of the roof. This can include elevating the center of the roof so that the water will naturally want to roll off it. Additionally, it is possible to install an active drainage system that will be able to direct the water that lands on the roof away.

Myth: A Flat Roof Will Be Less Energy Efficient

The energy efficiency of the roof is another important factor. Some people may assume that a flat roof will be less efficient due to its basic design. However, this does not have to be the case as it is possible to make a flat roof with dense materials that are able to prevent the transfer of heat. Whenever you are assessing the materials to use in your home's new roof, the energy-efficiency rating should be one of the factors that you give intense consideration to make sure that you choose a material that will provide you with the performance that you want.

Myth: Flat Roofing Systems Are Less Durable Than Traditional Roofing Systems

Durability is another critical factor to consider. The process of having roofing work done can be highly disruptive to most businesses, and you will want to be sure that you are choosing a durable roofing option to minimize these issues. In this regard, flat roofing systems can be among the most durable as they are often made of thick rubber that will be extremely well-suited to weather the types of conditions that can be expected over the course of the year. Furthermore, this rubber will be extremely resilient against leaks as it will be applied directly to the roof so that it will be less likely for leaks to develop over the course of time.

Reach out to commercial flat roofing installation contractors like Atlas Exteriors

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